Friday 26 August 2011

At Over 40 Years Old (2) - Do I Have to Cut My Hair Short?

Wahl Deluxe Self Cut Do It Yourself Haircut Kit, 18 Pieces
To cut, or not to cut, that is the question!

When you're over 40, choosing the right hair style can be difficult. You don't want to look like you're trying to look young, and you definitely don't want to look like an old lady! So, what's a girl to do?

This girl called in the experts!

Style experts, Austin Kyle and Gia Comfort share their hair and beauty tips on the great, 40 and over haircut debate:
Andis 29775 11-Piece Home Hair Cutting Kit
Wahl 79524-2501 Chrome Pro 24-Piece Haircut Kit
Tip #2: Extend Your Youth With Hair Extensions
Hair extensions make women over 40 appear younger because society associates long hair with youth and beauty, while at the same time associates shorter hair with being older since most women over 50 cut their hair above their shoulders. While most people think that the women who get extensions are younger women getting it for length the majority of my clients are 40 or older and are actually getting hair extensions for thickness to replenish their hair as it is starting to thin out.

Wahl 79524-2501 Chrome Pro 24-Piece Haircut Kit
Hair extensions are very easy to apply and just as easy to maintain as the client’s normal hair, with minor adjustment to the styling techniques the client is already using. Hair extensions can give women the added boost in their confidence because they are able to do so much more with their hair once they have the extensions applied. Try to keep the hair color in a natural color range that will match your skin tones and have the extensions ordered in a medium length that will not make you look like you are “trying to be younger.”

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